The New You IS Good Enough

Here are the four steps shown in the video:

First, measure your belief “I am not good enough” with a scale of 10 is totally true and 0 is totally false. Then, go through the four steps/

  1. Worst-Case Scenario- Imagine you truly are NOT good enough. FEEL how it makes you feel. Tap until this is neutral.
  2. Worst-Case Scenario- Imagine you lost your sense of not being good enough and have now swung to the exact opposite. You are arrogant and full of yourself. You are rude and heartless. Continue to tap until you don’t react to this thought.
  3. Charged phrases: Increase your emotional response by repeating the phrases in the video out loud. These include, “I am not good enough.” and “I am not enough.”
  4. Exaggerated Positives: Increase your emotional response by repeating the phrases in the video out loud. These include, “I AM good enough.” and “I am more than enough.”

Now, again measure your belief “I am not good enough” with a scale of 10 is totally true and 0 is totally false. The goal is to reach of level between 5 neutral 0 false.

Valerie Lis, MA is the founder of Simplified EFT Tapping™. Valerie shows how this self-tool provides relief and promote lasting results for chronic pain, emotional distress, weight control, cravings, food and chemical sensitivities, and limiting beliefs. This process is credible, easy to learn, and often produces astounding results in just minutes. Valerie is also the author of Simplified EFT Tapping™: How to Get Exceptional Results Every Time You Tap.