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Are you curious about EFT Tapping but don't know how to get results?

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With Simplified EFT Tapping, you can learn how to get exceptional results every time you tap!
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- Online workshops
- Online video courses
- Simplified EFT Tapping e-book
- Global summit
- Certification with online practice groups
- One-on-one tapping sessions
We are here for you!
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We are a community dedicated to creating everyday miracles with Simplified EFT Tapping™.
Our members include Valerie Lis (founder), our incredibly talented trainers, certified practitioners, students, and thousands of devoted clients.

Simplified EFT Tapping™: Get Exceptional Results Every Time You Tap
Whether you are a novice or a seasoned practitioner in EFT Tapping, you will achieve faster, deeper results by following the instructions in this book.
You will learn the three key concepts that produce effective tapping sessions. These practices are often done unknowingly by seasoned practitioners.
You will love the dictionary-style reference guide with hundreds of tips on specific issues.
You can blend these concepts and ideas with your own EFT style and tapping processes.
$18 Immediate Download
The printed book will be available soon.

Thanks again for including me in your EFT Level 2…it was a real pleasure to be part of your training again.
I also wanted to let you know how perfect the timing was for me. After my initial Level 1 and Level 2 training with you, I saw amazing results in my life and with my clients. I couldn’t get enough of EFT. I absolutely loved it.
And then I kept learning from a variety of different sources. I wanted to become a master at EFT. I read as many EFT books I could get my hands on, followed what was happening on EFT Universe, and also took a number of programs offered by some of the “big name” EFT practitioners. And here’s what I started noticing: all of that learning actually led me away from the core EFT approach that I learned from you that very first training. I stopped seeing the same kinds of results in my own life and started NOT enjoying my sessions with my clients. They weren’t getting the kinds of great results I had started out seeing, either.
I was truly considering closing my private practice, that’s how discouraged I felt.
This weekend was like coming home again. I was reminded again of what I really love about EFT, and saw things happening in the practice sessions at the front of the room that I hadn’t been seeing in my own work in months.
Your approach really works, Valerie. And no one is talking about EFT like you are.
—Sue Rasmussen

I wanted to thank you for the wonderful training that you provided this past weekend. It was life changing, both personally and professionally. It was 100% worth the time and money spent. I completely see where you were coming from when you said that many instructions on EFT in books or via internet are limited and lacking.
I used the way that you taught us EFT and the results are amazing. I have used it with 10 therapy clients since Monday and every single client experienced results quicker and in a more profound manner.
I even have a few severely psychologically reversed and more challenging clients; but thanks to your training in that area I was still able to help them with EFT. Thank you again for all of your expertise and your compassionate approach.
—Leslie Krol

It is true that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. And that teacher is so obviously you.
In my EFT world, I get to compare other instructors to you. They’re very good, but they all fall a bit short for me. (OK, I’m hearing you say, “Wait, I’m not perfect!” And that’s as it should be. Mom always said, “If you were perfect, you’d be in Heaven already and we need you HERE.”)
Naturally, I am excited about my —- certification. But Simplified EFT resonates so much more, and I am a sponge — I want to soak it all up. (Oh yes… I know I need to tap away that excitement so I can be the most effective LOL!)
Anyway, my confidence in you and this work is rock solid; I hitched my wagon to the right star. SEFT is destined to be for the highest and best good of all concerned.
Well, this got a little long, but there’s nothing I would cut. I wanted you to know it all, and I’m eager for the next leg of the journey together.
—Barbara Charlton