There have been over 150 research studies and 5 meta-analyses published in professional, peer-reviewed journals showing the effectiveness of EFT Tapping.
Is EFT Tapping Credible?
It meets American Psychological Association Division 12 criteria for evidence-based practice on phobias, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), generalized anxiety, and depression.
Further studies concluded its effectiveness on weight control, chronic pain, physical illness, and athletic performance.
Research studies have appeared in the following professional journals: The Journal of Clinical Psychology, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Primary Care and Community Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, Review of General Psychology, and Traumatology.
Some studies show how tapping affects biological markers such as the stress hormone cortisol to induce relaxation.
A study published in the American Psychological Association journal Psychological Trauma showed a 43% reduction in cortisol after one hour of EFT tapping.
In a 2005 study with 102 participants published in the Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal, all measures of psychological distress decreased after an EFT workshop and were maintained at the six-month follow-up.
In a study with veterans, 86% of those receiving the treatment dropped from the category of clinical (severe) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to the category of subclinical PTSD.
This is the best result for PTSD in a clinical trial of any therapy and optimistic news for those suffering from this diagnosis.
One paper that was critical of the field of Energy Psychology and EFT Tapping, nevertheless found that 42% of the therapists who were surveyed were using these methods.