Our Ethical Statement

The Grand Vision:

As a heart-centered community, we believe SEFT has real potential to improve the world. Those who tap to eliminate their own fears, anger, hate, and shame cannot help but evolve into gentler, kinder people. They naturally transform into authentic, loving versions of themselves, each moving toward their greatest potential.

As the movement continues to grow, we believe everyday miracles will become the “norm.” Wow- can you imagine the profound benefit this will create for humanity? We are truly excited and joyful for you to join us on this journey!



EFT Tapping involves tapping with one’s fingertips on specified points of the face and upper body while focused on specific memories or thoughts. It has been safely done by thousands of people over the last two decades and concerns are rare. Since it is a self-tool, it is essential for you to take responsibility for your personal use of this method.


Ethical Statement:

  • EFT Tapping does not have any known contraindications or negative side effects.
  • As SEFT Practitioners, our role is to educate. Our goal is to teach you a self-tool. You must assume your own responsibility for its use.
  • If you have any reservations, do not tap.
  • If you have been diagnosed with mental illness or suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), you may want to work with a certified practitioner. All forms of tapping for vulnerable populations should be under the direction of a professional licensed in mental health.
  • Emotional distress often releases in layers. As one symptom dissolves, it may be replaced by a new symptom. For example, the emotion could shift from fear to sadness. Or, the memory being tapped on could be replaced by a new memory. Stress levels can go down and up as the layers shift. It may seem as if the process is not working and, as a result, you may want to stop tapping. This is a mistake. For the safest and most effective results, whenever you are emotional, you should keep tapping.
  • This is an essential principle, so it will be stated again: If you are emotional, always keep tapping.


We take all ethical concerns seriously. If you have any questions about our policies, please contact us.

Happy tapping!

Valerie Lis and the SEFT Community